These companies specialize in creating custom sailing vacations that redefine travel. Planning Your Luxury Trip With your budget in mind, it is easy to plan a chartered yacht vacation. Companies often have a fleet of sailing vessels that can accommodate parties of various sizes. You may want to make it a more intimate trip with only close family. There are charters that can be rented for as few as two people. These include either a sailboat or motorboat and can come with or without a crew and captain to sail the ship for you.
If you choose not to hire a crew, you will have to show that you are knowledgeable of sailing and can handle the ship competently. Generally, starting and stopping in the same port will save you money and is usually more convenient.

There are charters that can be rented for as few as two people. These include either a sailboat or motorboat and can come with or without a crew and captain.
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